Water Resources Planning & Protection

Sediment Control Practices in the Insular Caribbean

Don Anderson authored the illustrated, 53-page Guidelines for Sediment Control Practices in the Insular Caribbean, in association with the Island Resources Foundation. The guidebook, targeted toward site-development practices, was funded and published by the United Nations Environment Program. An independent website (coastalchallenges.com) in 2009 described this as “one of the most practical and useful coastal management books ever written”.

Distinguishing Water Conservation from Water Savings

Programs aimed at “conserving” water in regions of water scarcity can have the counter-intuitive effect of reducing the amount of wet water flowing to rivers and recharging aquifers. Don Anderson described the importance of understanding water pathways and water balances in river basins before implementing water conservation measures in an article for the International Journal of River Basin Management.

Managing Instream Flows

Don Anderson collaborated with multiple public, private, and non-profit water interests in seven subbasins of the upper Colorado River in Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming to cooperatively manage water resources for the benefit of endangered fish. This included weekly management decisions determining the use of up to 32,000 acre-feet (39 million cubic meters) of storage allocated annually to the Upper Colorado Endangered Fish Recovery Program to sustain flows in the mainstem Colorado and Yampa rivers in western Colorado.