Cresta Hydrologics provides technical expertise for sustainable water resources management. We are particularly interested in teaming with motivated community organizations, non-profit entities, and governmental agencies in Latin America and the Caribbean to assist in procuring grant funding and assembling professional expertise to address priority water and environmental protection needs.
Cresta Hydrologics proporciona asistencia técnica para el manejo sostenible de los recursos hídricos. Tenemos un interés especial en alinearnos con organizaciones comunitarias, entidades sin fines de lucro, y agencias gubernamentales en América Latina y el Caribe para ayudarles en obtener los fondos de subvenciones necesarios y reunir el apoyo profesional para lograr una mejor protección del agua y el medio ambiente.
We’ll also gladly consider small assignments that may require only one or a few days of time — such as reviewing technical reports, running spreadsheet analyses, or assisting with technical training. Contact us to see if we can help! Reduced rates for non-profits and governmental entities.
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News Update: Don Anderson was honored to be co-recipient of the Colorado Water Trust’s 2023 David Getches Flowing Waters Award . A tip of the hat to everyone who is making a real difference to protect Colorado’s rivers every day, often behind the scenes and far from the award podium! River protection is a team effort.